One day while visiting my friend Jay Cook, chiropractor and philosopher extraordinaire, I watched fascinated as he cut an apple into small, approximately 1/3 ” cubes and used them as a breakfast cereal. It looked so yummy I went home and tried it myself. My constitution and especially my sensitive stomach loved it.
I embellished Jay’s recipe and created a Superfood Breakfast. The 3-Seed Granola which is sprinkled on top is full of omega-3 fatty acids. The seeds are loaded with vitamin E, B1 , magnesium, calcium – and tryptophan. Remember tryptophan converts to serotonin and helps elevate mood. The omegas are also anti inflammatory and essential for good bone and heart health. And finally by increasing my raw food intake at breakfast, my body naturally began to crave healthier choices throughout the day. Try Jay’s Superfood Breakfast for 7 days and feel the difference.
Jay’s Superfood Breakfast
1 Apple Cut in 1/3 ” cubes.
1/4 Cup Plain Yogurt
1/4 Cup Water
1 Small handful of raisins
1/2 Tsp Natural Sweetener (I recommend Birch Sugar)
1/4 Cup 3-Seed Granola (link provided)
Cut the apple into approximately 1/3″ cubes. Add yogurt, water, sweetener and stir. Top with raisins, granola and berries.